Saturday, February 21, 2009

hum-de-dum :(

Keeping my sanity has become...


I talk to Adrian on the phone for maybe an hour a day,

and that's supposed to keep my mind in order.


Acacia's little kicks and nudges(and sometimes an upper cut to the kidney)

keep me happy and occupied,

I wish Adrian could be here to experience them with me.

He wont be home until next Friday.


We bought Acacia's crib today,

I fell in love at first glance...

We've paid for her bedding set,

but probably wont be recieving it in the mail for a few weeks...

( i love the lavender,pink gets so...old)

1 comment:

  1. I love the white crib....I kinda wish I got white now, even though I do love our cherry wood one...The bedding is so pretty too!
