Saturday, February 21, 2009

hum-de-dum :(

Keeping my sanity has become...


I talk to Adrian on the phone for maybe an hour a day,

and that's supposed to keep my mind in order.


Acacia's little kicks and nudges(and sometimes an upper cut to the kidney)

keep me happy and occupied,

I wish Adrian could be here to experience them with me.

He wont be home until next Friday.


We bought Acacia's crib today,

I fell in love at first glance...

We've paid for her bedding set,

but probably wont be recieving it in the mail for a few weeks...

( i love the lavender,pink gets so...old)

Monday, February 16, 2009

the traveling SO chronicles...

Well,tomorrow Adrian leaves for his first week on his new job.
I'm a nervous wreck,

I can't even bare the thought of him being away from me for more than a day or two,
with this job...
he'll be gone for longer.*sigh*

I'm gonna have to fight back the tears when I have to tell him goodbye tomorrow,
but I know that he's only doing this to give Acacia and myself a better life.

With this new job we're gonna be able to get an apartment(maybe a house?),
which is a positive.

Not that I don't like living here with mom and dad but,
I just want something of my own.

So,I'm excited.

Well,I'm gonna go spend a little time with him before bed,here's a picture to laugh at :)

(He is so funny)

Monday, February 9, 2009

A Hoy!A Hoy!

Me?Create a blog?NO!Well,being on bedrest,I've officially passed boredom and carried on into the pull my hair out,fall on the floor and have a heart attack phase because I have absolutely NOTHING to do.(Seeing that I live out in the "boondocks" and can't even go for a nice stroll up the road without getting attacked by someone unknown creature or being the prey of some weirdo pervert.)
Anywho,I figured what the hey!?I have nothing else to do so here we go.I'd love to get Adrian to write on here every once in a while but I doubt that will happen.We Will see.
Anywho anywho,I'm gonna make like a tree and leave for now because I have a doctors appointment in the morning(oh the joy of having a strange woman glaring at your va-hoo-haa every few weeks....*sigh*)